Saturday 23 July 2016

Evidence of Jesus Christ/ Yeshua HaMaschiach as the Messiah through Scriptures in the Tanach & Talmud, ( Continued Pt. 3 )

Continued from the previous post....

             Scripturally, it makes absolute sense for a gentile to consider following the written Torah, thereby turning towards the Real Kosher Jesus Christ more! :) 

However, It is your prerogative  with the choices you do in life. And even according to Yeshua it is advisable to keep the Torah ( Instructions or teachings ) . if you want to be considered Great  in the Kingdom of heaven.
If you are a Christian craving to know more on the Hebrew-roots of your faith, I advise you to go to

               Jesus Christ on advocating the Torah, Courtesy from

          Popular Christian feasts such as Christmas, Easter, the Sunday Sabbath  ( All having Pagan influences, origins and rituals induced in them straight from the heart of Rome, with other oriental cultures ) are not needed for G-d’s people.

               However, Hashem being the merciful Creator he is, miraculously makes room for Jew & Gentile in his kingdom despite our flaws. This was the quandary for the Early Jewish followers of Yeshua like Kefa ( Peter ) and more. Can we allow Goyim into this new sect of Judaism? or can we not? 

          Remember, there was no religion called “Christianity” when this amazing movement that changed the world began.
        At least not till around 300 years after Christ's death we are told of Yeshua’s followers, Jews or Gentiles being unified in a Church branded as 'Christians'.

               Pagan practices in Christianity, Courtesy from

    This new movement was called The Way. It was considered  initially another sect of Judaism albeit a controversial one which traditional Judaism despised. Learned Scholar’s will attest to this.
           Gentiles can learn much from their Jewish brethren on keeping the Biblical feasts such as Shavuot, Sukkot, Pesach and much more of the beautiful finds in the Torah & the complete Tanach.

          This is done to show love to the G-d of the Universe for his grace on us. Accepting Jesus Christ as Savior & Messiah supersedes any of this, that is if you want to dwell with G-d’s presence one day eternally & you want God in your life always !

     My Friends, Jesus is the prophesied messiah. He was to be rejected by his own Jewish people. He was to suffer and lay down his life as an atonement for the sins of the world. He was to Rise from the dead and be a LIGHT to the nations, before his own people Israel would fully receive him. At which time he would return and establish his Kingdom on the Earth, as Messiah.

The Messiah is a descendant of King David, Jesus fulfilled that maternally. Rabbi’s are quick to point out that tribal affiliation is determined paternally in the Torah. However, when there is no male father in the family, tribal affiliation will come through the woman’s bloodline
Read the latter section of the book of Numbers ( B'midbar ) contained in the Torah for more information on this.

        Interestingly, modern day Judaism puts so much emphasis on the Child being Jewish only if 
the Mother is jewish. The humor & the irony behind that train of thought is Jesus is 100% Jewish as his mother Miriam/Mary is Jewish and also a descendant of King David!

                                     Prophecies in the Tanach on Yeshua fulfilled in the New Testament. Courtesy

Some of the Prophecies of Yeshua mentioned in the Tanach , which has been fulfilled in the B'rit Chadashah are listed below, the Scripture verse from the Tanach is preceded by it's fulfilled verse in the B'rit Chadashah.

1. He would be born of a Virgin ( Isaiah / YeshaYahu 7:14 and Matthew 1:18 ).
He would be of the tribe of Judah ( Genesis / B'reshit 49:10 and Luke 3:23, 33 ).

                                      Genealogy showing Yeshua is from the house of King David.                                                                           Courtesy

Answering Rabbi's objections against Yeshua's genealogy, Click the video above to watch

3. He would be of King David's seed ( Jeremiah / Yirmiyahu 23:5 and Luke 3:23, 31 ). 
He would be born in Bethlehem ( Micah 5:2 and Matthew 2:1 ). 
He would be a Prophet ( Deuteronomy / D'varim 18:18-19 and Matthew 21:11 ). 
He would teach with Parables ( Psalms / Tehellim 78:2 and Matthew 13:34).

                                  Yochanan the messenger immersing Yeshua in a Mikvah. Courtesy

7. He would be preceded by a messenger ( Isaiah / YeshaYahu 40:3, Malachi 3:1, and Matthew 3:1-2 ).

                Jesus entering Jerusalem on a Colt, Courtesy

8. He would enter Jerusalem on a Colt ( Zechariah 9:9 and Luke 19:35-37 ).
He would be betrayed by a friend ( Psalms / Tehellim 41:9 and Matthew 26:47-50 ). 

Judas betraying Jesus Christ for 30 pieces of silver , Courtesy

He would be betrayed for 30 pieces of silver ( Zechariah 11:12 and Matthew 26:15 ).

. He would be forsaken by His disciples ( Zechariah 13:7 and Mark 14:50 ). 
. The money would be thrown in the temple and used to buy the potter's field ( Zechariah 11:13 and Matthew 27:5-7 ).

       Yeshua accused by false witnesses, Courtesy

13. He would be accused by false witnesses ( Psalms / Tehellim 35:11 and Matthew 26:59-60 ). 

He would be silent before His accusers ( Isaiah / YeshaYahu 53:7 and Matthew 27:12-14 ). 
. He would be beaten by his enemies ( Isaiah / YeshaYahu 50:6, 53:5, and Matthew 27:26 ). 
He would be spit upon and beaten ( Isaiah /YeshaYahu 50:6 and Matthew 27:30 ).
He would be struck in the head with a rod ( Micah 5:1 and Matthew 27:30 ).
. He would be mocked ( Psalms / Tehellim 22:7-8 and Matthew 27:29, 31 ).

                     Hands and feet of Yeshua pierced, Courtesy from 

19. His hands and feet would be pierced  ( Psalms / Tehellim 22:16, Luke 23:33, and John 20:25 ).

Note that this was predicted hundreds of years before crucifixion was invented. 

20. Men would gamble for his clothing ( Psalms / Tehellim 22:18 and John 19:23-24 ). 
He would intercede in prayer for His transgressors ( Isaiah / YeshaYahu 53:12 and Luke 23:34 ). 
He would suffer thirst ( Psalms / Tehellim 22:15 and John 19:28 ). 
He would be offered gall and water ( Psalms / Tehellim 69:21 and Matthew 27:34 ).

 Yeshua crying out to God, Courtesy

24. He would cry, "My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me!" ( Psalms / Tehellim22:1 and Matthew 27:46 ). 
He would be cut down in His prime ( Psalms / Tehellim 89:45 and 102:23-24 ). 
None of His bones would be broken ( Exodus / Shemot 12:46, Psalms 34:20, and John 19:32-33 ).
They would look upon Him whom they had pierced ( Zechariah 12:10 and John 19:34 )

                                                              Yeshua executed with thieves
Courtesy from

28. He would be executed with thieves ( Isaiah / YeshaYahu 53:12 and Matthew 27:38 ). 
29. He would be buried in a Rich man's tomb ( Isaiah / YeshaYahu 53:9 and Matthew 27:57-60 ).   

   According to Scriptures and Rabbinic tradition it is acknowledged that the Messiah could be a pre-existing one. In other words Greater then just man. 

             The New testament gives us that answer, through his mother he is a physical descendant of David, but he is GREATER  then David. That is why the New testament speaks of a Prophesied Virgin birth which was prophesied first in the Tanach at Isaiah 7:14.

        So Yeshua is not just a descendant of King David but he is greater then David, in other words the Son of G-d!

The Messiah had to first come and deal with sin, that he was not just a King but also a Priest. We were told that there would be no disease when Messiah comes. Isaiah ( Yeshiyahu ) 35 describes there will be great miracles of healing. 

Go to my previous blog , Click here : Miracles of Jesus Christ to see People are doing miracles in Christ’s name even today! And when Jesus Christ walked the earth 2000 years ago, it was the authentic style of his ministry.

           Christ walking on water! Courtesy from

Traditional Judaism believes in the atoning power of the death of the righteous. The Orthodox Jewish historian Rabbi Berel Wein describes the attitude of the Jewish people who suffered atrocities in the seventeenth century as follows:

        Jews nurtured this classic idea of death as an atonement . . . the betterment of Israel and humankind somehow was advanced by their “stretching their neck to be slaughtered” . ...

This Spirit of the Jews is truly reflected in the historical chronicle of the time: “. . . he whom God loves will be chastised. For since the day the Holy Temple was destroyed, the righteous are seized by death for the iniquities/sins of the generation.” ( Yeven Metzulah, end of Chapter 15, quoted in Wein, The Triumph of Survival, 14 )

     ( From Dr Michael Brown’s work Seven Secrets of the Real Messiah )

                                            Courtesy from

The words of Jesus on the Cross are words of accomplishment and compassion when he says “Father, forgive them for they do not know”.

With the Temple being destroyed for a long time now, Jews have zealously used prayer as a means of atonement. How can you substitute sacrifice with prayer when the transference of your sins to the 'Sacrifice' is the main point of the ritual?

Note: There is no Written-torah mandate giving leeway for 'prayer 'to be used in place of sacrifice especially at Yom Kippur, but Halakhah rulings has brazenly enabled this to happen! 


 Click the above video or go to for "Answering Jewish objections to Jesus"

          Most of these responses in favor of Christ’s messiahship are from the debates of a wonderful Jewish believer in Yeshua, Dr. Michael Brown
        This man Dr. Michael Brown was told by his Rabbis since a very young age that he only believes Jesus is the Messiah because he is ignorant of the Ancient Hebrew and the Talmud & because there is no substance to his beliefs. Accepting their challenge, he studied for years the Talmud, the Tanakh and other ancient-semitic languages.

After researching the Tanach & Jewish traditions in it's original language. Unfortunately for the Rabbi's he was only further convinced of Jesus Christ's rightful place as the Jewish Messiah!

             He has been challenged for years and has appeared on many debates in favor of Jesus Christ as Messiah. Youtube his debates and gain a wealth of knowledge on the Messiah's attributes.

    Dr. Michael Brown , Courtesy

To my Jewish friends, Please go to this site : to see his works, it has numerous testimonies even from Rabbi’s surviving the holocaust who accepted Yeshua. Using just the Tanach and Talmud, Dr brown shows why Jesus is the Messiah.

        And if you believe you are a qualified Rabbi who can counter his views on Jesus the Messiah you can engage in a Public debate with him. An ordinary Jew will find answers to most of the questions you have had against Jesus Christ's messiah-ship in his site as well. 

Also refer to too, 

        I have already posted some Lovely pictures & videos on my blog here, of Jewish souls here who came to Yeshua. Here you will find videos of modern day Jewish souls, who came to Christ after so many years of searching. Sometimes through heartache and pain before finally finding out the Truth, the Way and the Life!


If you are Israeli-Jewish and wish to see more videos in Ivrit only on these particular topics, please go to

According to Eitan Bar and Moti Vaknin of ‘One for Israel ’, this is what they had to say...

          "The videos and website are our most advanced production so far, and perhaps the most advanced in Jewish Evangelism until today,. “In these videos we expose how the Rabbis have been keeping Jesus a secret from Israel for over 2,000 years. We even quote ancient Jewish sources showing that the Old Testament prophecies we refer people to were interpreted in the past just as we interpret them today - as being about the Messiah!”

A Jew would never accept human-sacrifice as it is forbidden in the Torah. However this concept of the atoning power of the righteous is not some gentile Christian idea!  It was first nurtured by Jewish teachings, a lot of them from the book of Isaiah incidentally...

                      Go to and get your free e-Book on the 7 Secrets of the Real Messiah

        I encourage you if you are Jewish with a lot of inquisitive questions on the subject of Yeshua, please go to to research more on the ‘Suffering Messiah’ . There is a Free e-Book as well being offered there which you can download for free called the Seven Secrets of the Real Messiah,

I find it amusing a Rabbi would say Yeshua is not the Messiah since there is no peace on Earth, when somehow they overlook the fact they are committing a horrendous sin on Yom Kippur by allowing fellow Jews to not even feel the need for a blood-sacrifice.

           Somehow just like in most of Christianity today with it’s leaders offering shallow solutions, Judaism’s elders have found equal ways to get around the problem by offering what seems to be a solution on the surface through pious prayers & other rituals, but in reality contradicts the Written Torah itself.

Are there substitutes to Blood Sacrifice?  Answering Rabbi's Objections to Jesus, 
Next Yom Kippur, Click the above video.

Why not try claiming the Sacrifice & blood
 of Yeshua for your sins, instead of the customary rituals? I'm not saying don't pray, by all means PRAY! It is the best link to your relationship towards your Creator. However, you still need a Sacrifice on your behalf according to Elohim in the Torah.

          Moshe instructed Israel to spread the
blood of the lamb on every door for protection of the first-born male in Egypt. We believe the sacrifice of Yeshua's righteous blood is far more powerful, that is why we claim on it boldly for our protection from enemy's of Hashem.

     Notice immediately the changes in your life through claiming Yeshua's sacrifice, from your Spirit to every other facet of your life in a positive direction.


            As for Yeshua not ushering in an era of peace.  It says in the Great book that the Messiah has two characteristics one like David and the other a Suffering Servant like Joseph. After dealing with the problem of sin, the most critical problem for all humans to right  our relationship with God which Jesus Christ did accomplish as the Suffering servant !
       Only then, he will return next & he would rule like King David, where an era of peace on earth would happen.

                     Courtesy from

           Many places in scriptures Rabbi’s have interpreted scripture verse to their whims, as in the case of recasting King David's character through the Oral traditions, to project him as almost 100% righteous in his life's works, even though he committed adultery with Bathsheba and a few other sins recorded in the Tanach! 
                 Btw, I am a huge fan of King David and his passion for G-d, but that does not give any human-being authority to alter the Holy word of God.

        However, when you point a clear passage in the Tanach indicating Jesus Christ fulfilling his role as the Messiah. Usually these same intelligent men get highly emotional and at that point their usually esteemed logic seems very tainted & insincere. 

The double-standards is truly obvious when the hysteria is removed out of the equation while examining the evidence pointing towards Yeshua. Interestingly, these very same Rabbi's can clear their consciences as well as other Jewish-voices while ignoring or silencing facts.
           Any Jew reading this, my friend Yeshua proclaimed Adonai’s Glory to the gentiles! Through his disciples, his Holy Spirit. The Word of Adonai , the Torah and people preaching the Good news of Yeshua's saving grace, he has touched the hearts and souls of billions of people throughout the centuries.  A True Light to the Nations. 

          How many Non-jews ever even heard of Maimonides? or for that fact other Rabbi's speaking about the Goodness of Adonai to Gentiles ?

                                    Courtesy from     

 Judaism tries their best to repel anyone interested in joining their faith. Tell me how can Non-jews learn about the True G-d of the Universe if you practice your faith in privacy and not share the truth about Adonai to the rest of the world?

              Jesus/Yeshua is the Answer! He wants everyone saved. He is not selfish and keeps power, money or miracles to himself. He shares the good news of the God of Avraham, Yitzak and Yakov, he does that, continues to save us all and more!

Continued in the next page, Click here to continue

Friday 22 July 2016

Evidence of Jesus Christ/ Yeshua HaMaschiach as the Messiah through Scriptures in the Tanach & Talmud, ( Continued Pt. 2 )

Continued from the previous post....

               Wonderfully explained! Click above to watch the video of this man's testimony or

As this Jewish man in the video above says, accepting Jesus Christ as the Messiah was the most Jewish thing he did. 
   I want to say this with love to my Jewish friends, by accepting Jesus Christ as your Jewish Messiah. You do not have to give up on your Judaism or the Biblical feasts. Whoever told you that you are killing your Jewish soul or anything else similarly dramatic, is perhaps very ignorant of the life & works of Jesus Christ & his disciples, or just extremely biased in their bigoted or prejudiced hatred against Yeshua.

               By accepting Yeshua, You instead Turn to Yeshua/Jesus as Hashem's chosen instrument to save you & more. You do not have to convert and follow Gentile customs. A Jew can be more true to Historic Judaism & become a Complete spiritual as well as Physical Jew, all by believing in the New covenants which was always. I repeat always promised to Israel first, later the Goyim/Gentiles.

                                     Courtesy from

From Isaiah 53 ( Yeshiyahu 53 ) Vs 5 onwards

But he was wounded because of our crimes, crushed because of our sins; the disciplining that makes us whole fell on him, and by his bruises we are healed. 
6 We all, like sheep, went astray; we turned, each one, to his own way; yet ADONAI laid on him the guilt of all of us. Or: and in fellowship with him 
Though mistreated, he was submissive - he did not open his mouth. Like a lamb led to be slaughtered, like a sheep silent before its shearers, he did not open his mouth. 
After forcible arrest and sentencing, he was taken away; and none of his generation protested his being cut off from the land of the living for the crimes of my people, who deserved the punishment themselves. 
He was given a grave among the wicked; in his death he was with a rich man. Although he had done no violence and had said nothing deceptive, 
10 Yet it pleased ADONAI to crush him with illness, to see if he would present himself as a guilt offering. If he does, he will see his offspring; and he will prolong his days; and at his hand ADONAI's desire will be accomplished.

       This excerpt above is a prophecy of Isaiah briefly entailing what Jesus Christ had to go through as the Mashiach for you, me and everyone! You can also take a look at Isaiah 50 and even Tehilim ( Psalms ) Chapter 22, 34 and 69 & 110. Also at Micah 5:2.

        These are just a few of the many  passages in the Tanach which describes the Messiah's attributes, that Jesus Christ fulfilled!

             Rabbi’s engaging in debates Courtesy from

Rabbi David Kimchi 
aka. Rabbi Radak says that Isaiah 53 is about Israel. And he advises Judaism not to read this chapter because it seems to resemble Jesus Christ, and therefore to not read it in the schools or teach it in the Haftorah.

Rashi also says Isaiah 53 is about Israel saying Israel will suffer, etc.

However , Rabbi Ben Eliezer, who lived 650 years before Christ. He was instrumental in the writings of the Original Jewish talmud, He says Isaiah 53 is the Messiah of Israel and it is a man who bears all the sins of Israel. The Rabbi’s who disagree with his views have conveniently eliminated his passages from the Talmud, citing he is a sick man!

                    Check out Zev Porat's amazing life turnaround  and his ministry at                                                            :

          Infact, Israeli Messianic jew Zev Porat says he found it really hard to even acquire a copy of Ben Eliezer’s passages at Tel Aviv, because of the fact that Judaism opposes a lot of this particular Ancient Rabbi’s views. Zev still managed to get a copy and find out the truth.

    A logical question for any person right now is why do the Great sages in Judaism differ so drastically in their views on this one particular Chapter ( Isaiah 53 ) , so much so that it is even skipped after Isaiah 52 and not even read at the haftarah readings in most Synagogues...

Snippet from showcasing Isaiah 53 as the nation of Israel as a modern concept in Judaism.

 "Several passages in the Talmud also interpret the servant in this passage from Isaiah as the Messiah. The Jerusalem Talmud ( Shekalim 5:1 )  sees Rabbi Akiva as the servant in 53:12 while the Babylonian Talmud applies 53:4 to the Messiah ( Sanhedrin 98b ), 53:10 to the righteous in general ( Berakhot 5a ), and 53:12 to Moses ( Sotah 14a ).
According to the Midrash Rabbah, Isaiah 53:5 concerns the Messiah ( Ruth Rabbah2:14a ) and Isaiah 53:12 refers to Israel in exile ( Numbers Rabbah 13:2 ). It must be noted here that this is only one verse in the whole prophecy that is attributed to the nation of Israel, and that was at a very specific time in its existence.

The first time Isaiah 53 is interpreted as referring to the nation of Israel is in the 11th Century with the commentary of Rashi, who interpreted this passage as the righteous remnant of Jacob.

All of this goes to show that the ancient rabbis ( the most authoritative sources in Judaism )  almost unanimously interpreted Isaiah 53 as a Messianic prophecy rather than as a prophecy referring to the nation. "

         The Rabbi who lived before Yeshua's time says it is about the Messiah of Israel , while the Rabbi's after Yeshua's death firmly view this passage as about the nation of Israel!

Can you tell me why such distinctions are made between Rabbi's over that Chapter? or maybe we can pray to God to help us figure it out. :)

 Suzie, an Israeli Jewish girl who came to believe Yeshua (Jesus) is the Messiah! Click the above video, or click here: to see her testimony.

The ‘Book’ she is referring to in the pictures & video above is the ‘New Testament’, and "They" she mentioned was are the Rabbi’s  who dismissed Yeshua’s messiahship.

According to the Talmud researched from Dr. Brown, the Messiah was supposed to come exactly at the time Jesus Christ came!

But after the time passed, and because of the fact that Jesus Christ did not fit the description of the Messiah they wanted & desired. That is to depose of the Roman rule immediately and establish God’s ruling on earth . Prominent Rabbi's instead rejected him and have written some horrendous things about Jesus Christ in the Talmud. At the same time, they ignored facts in the Tanakh he had to fulfill such as the Suffering servant aspect of Messiah Ben Joseph which Jesus did accomplish, when he first came.

According to Malachi the 3rd chapter, the messenger of Adonai was to come and prepare the way of the Lord at the Second temple. 
That messenger of the covenant for the Second temple is the Messiah according to Rabbi David Kimchi. 

                                                      Carnage at the Jerusalem temple in 70 A.D, Courtesy from 

                      Daniel with the lions, Courtesy from

According to Prophet Daniel the 9th chapter. Before the Second temple was destroyed atonement for sin had to be made and righteousness brought in. The messiah had to be cut off , all this had to happen before the Second temple was destroyed. 

To anyone who knows the story of Jesus Christ's life, Doesn't this prophecy of Daniel exactly summarize Jesus Christ's life?
More Talmudic evidence for the Messiah at 30 C.E. contained in the Babylonian talmud :

“During the last forty years before the destruction of the Temple the lot ['For the Lord'] did not come up in the right hand; nor did the crimson-colored strap become white; nor did the western most light shine; and the doors of the Hekel [Temple] would open by themselves" -  (Soncino version, Yoma 39b).

In the Jerusalem Talmud it says this ,

Forty years before the destruction of the Temple, the western light went out, the crimson thread remained crimson, and the lot for Adonai always came up in the left hand. They would close the gates of the Temple by night and get up in the morning and find them wide open"
  -(Jacob Neusner, The Yerushalmi, p.156-157). [the Temple was destroyed in 70 CE]”

To explain these two passages, I have taken excerpts from this site, for more information go to

The Miracle of the "Lot "

The first of these miracles concerns a random choosing of the "lot" which was cast on the Day of Atonement ( Yom Kippur ). The lot chosen determined which of two goats would be "for the Lord" and which goat would be the "Azazel" or "scapegoat." 

During the two hundred years before 30 CE, when the High Priest picked one of two stones, again this selection was governed by chance, and each year the priest would select a black stone as often as a white stone.
                But for forty years in a row, beginning in 30 CE, the High Priest always picked the black stone ! 

The odds against this happening are astronomical ( 2 to the 40th power ). In other words, the chances of this occurring are 1 in approximately 5,479,548,800 or about 5.5 billion to one! 

          By comparison, your chances of winning your local state or municipal-run cash Lottery would be much more favorable!

The lot for Azazel , the black stone, contrary to all the laws of chance, came up 40 times in a row from 30 to 70 AD! ( Ever since Yeshua was crucified ) 

   This was considered a dire event and signified something had fundamentally changed in this Yom Kippur ritual. This casting of lots is also accompanied by yet another miracle which is described next.

                     Scapegoat ritual, Courtesy from

The Miracle of the Red Strip

The Second miracle concerns the
crimson strip  or cloth tied to the Azazel goat. A portion of this red cloth was also removed from the goat and tied to the Temple door. Each year the red cloth on the Temple door turned 'white' as if to signify the atonement of another Yom Kippur was acceptable to Adonai. 

         This annual event happened until 30 CE when the cloth then remained crimson each year till the time of the Temple's destruction! Wow talk about the supernatural being involved. 

          This undoubtedly caused much stir and consternation among the Jews. This traditional practice is linked to Israel confessing its sins and ceremonially placing this nation's sin upon the Azazel goat. The sin was then removed by this goat's death. Sin was represented by the red color of the cloth ( the color of blood ). But the cloth remained crimson that is, Israel's sins were not being pardoned and "made white." ! 

As God told Israel through Isaiah the prophet: ''Come, let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet [crimson],  they shall be white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as [white] wool'' (Isaiah 1:18).

Read more about these excerpts from ‘Talmudic evidence of the Messiah at 30 C.E”. at

                                      The Miracle of the Temple Doors

The next miracle, which the Jewish authorities acknowledged, was the Temple doors swinging open every night of their own accord! This too occurred for forty years, beginning in 30 CE . 

             The leading Jewish authority of that time, Yochanan ben Zakkai , declared that this was a sign of impending doom! that the Temple itself would be destroyed.

The Jerusalem Talmud states:

"Said Rabban Yohanan Ben Zakkai to the Temple, 'O Temple, why do you frighten us? We know that you will end up destroyed. For it has been said, 'Open your doors, O Lebanon, that the fire may devour your cedars' " (Zechariah 11:1)' (Sota 6:3).

                        Temple Menorah, Courtesy from

Notice ever since 30 C.E. , immediately after Christ’s death. You will read peculiar strange occurrences at the Holy-Temple in Jerusalem. No matter how much the Priests tried to keep the Menorah lit, the Menorah went out and was not able to shine as well!
Curious all these activities is recorded by authentic Jewish sources, occurring exactly after Christ's death for 40 years, until the temple was eventually destroyed at 70 A.D. therefore it can never ever be stated as a Christian invention.

           Anyone who knows something about Yom Kippur will agree with me that it is the most Holiest day of the Jewish year. However, the importance of a blood-sacrifice cannot be overstated enough. If you read Leviticus Chapter 17 ( Vayikra in Hebrew )

Leviticus 17: 11 "For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it for you on the altar to atone for your souls, for it is the blood that makes atonement by the life"

        A Believer in Yeshua will always believe in his blood-sacrifice for atonement. That is why the crimson-strip tied to the temple-door after Yeshua's death always remained Red till the temple was destroyed, because Yeshua's blood is the remedy now! 

      Could it be the Rabbi's in all their loathing against 'Jews who believe in Yeshua' just skip the parts in the Talmud like the Supernatural incidents in the Second-temple I posted above? These strange occurrences offer proof why Yeshua's sacrifice on the cross had replaced Temple-sacrifice.
          Disagreeing with me won't change the fact these events happened
exactly after Yeshua died and rose again!
        There are many hints indicated in the Talmud regarding the Messiah's attributes which fit exactly Yeshua's description. Please, go to to research further.
                Jerusalem Talmud, courtesy

                          Prophet Haggai , Courtesy

         Haggai the prophet says, "The Glory ( Kavod ) of the Second temple will be greater then the first". 
        What does that mean?  since we all know the second temple was brutally destroyed by the Romans. The Second temple did not even contain the all important Ark of the Covenant for atonement ritual purposes

                                 Courtesy from

Check out this interesting article from the image below at . Click here : Why don't many Jewish people accept Jesus as Messiah ?

  The answer is, we followers of Yeshua believe that we are the Menorah of the world through belief in Yeshua’s sacrifice that atones us of our sins, which creates in us a new spirit. The Temple now resides in us since the Holy Spirit resides in us.
          Make no mistake, We do believe in the 3rd temple being built in Yerushalayim as well, and with it the immediate coming of King Yeshua to reign over all creation.

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“Get away from me you worker's of Lawlessness” ... SAY WHAT JESUS? 😕

Hey ya folks, it’s been years since I decided to post something here ( Check out my previous posts too, you might find them enlightening or ...