Continued from the previous post....
Rabbi Harold Vallins, Courtesy,
“It was soon after this that I first heard the term "Messianic Jews" and I found myself attending a conference of Messianic Jews in America. It was a great experience and I discovered that it was not only possible to remain Jewish and still have Yeshua as my Messiah, but that it was also highly desirable. After all, Yeshua was a Jewish Messiah and all His early followers were Jewish. Yeshua did not come to abolish Judaism but to fulfill it.
When the blindfold is removed, it is just awesome to see Yeshua prophesied in the Old Testament; and to see Yeshua in each of the Jewish festivals giving them new meaning, new life. In other words, I have not ceased being a Jew, but now, I am a Complete Jew believing in a Jewish Messiah.”
Here are a few to ponder over, Some Revered jews believe God allowed these cruelties to happen cause of lack of following
the Torah, behaving more like the gentiles around them. Many other’s say the Jewish people in general never really made the
effort to claim their rightful inheritance, in the then British mandate of
Palestine, until God drastically had to push things along for them to go forward to Israel.
Destruction of "Korah, Dathan and Abiram" Courtesy
When you consider the story of Moses & the rebellion led by Korah, Dathan and Aviram. Any Jew or Christian will agree that Moses was Chosen by G-d for Israel’s redemption.
These people ( Korah and his followers ) were looking for more power, a status and they thought by getting rid of Moses, they can gain that power. They failed miserably and in the process caused the deaths of their families and anyone who joined them. Simply because they were not fighting moses, but G-d! He chose Moshe, and Korah and his rebellion simply was stubborn and wanted to see things their way till G-d had to deal with them.
Now use that same analogy with Jesus Christ, we followers of Yeshua believe he was chosen by Hashem . The Jews of Jesus Christ's day was led by the High Priest Caiaphas who said this, ( By the way High Priest Caiaphas was elected to his position, a Sin in the Torah )
Matthew 27: 24-25.
24 When Pilate saw that he was accomplishing nothing, but rather that a riot was starting, he took water and washed his hands in front of the crowd, saying, "I am innocent of this Man's blood; see to that yourselves."
25 And all the people said, "His blood shall be on us and on our children!"
Matthew 27 : 25 Caiaphas leads the Jewish people to say, “His blood ( Yeshua’s ) be on us and our Children !”
Big mistake right there for ‘those people” in Matthew 25. To a Jew who does not believe in Christ as Messiah. If Christ is the Chosen instrument of Hashem, just like Moshe was, then just like in the story of Moses and Korah, well you do the math...
Those people led by Caiaphas were inviting tragedy for not just themselves but their children! This is why it is said to be discerning with popular opinion always.
The image below is Christ’s evil-response to the people who had him crucified, see for yourself!
Of course I was being sarcastic. The hallmark of this amazing being, was the love he had for his people, forgiving people who even wanted him dead! Truly he is something else!
Of course I was being sarcastic. The hallmark of this amazing being, was the love he had for his people, forgiving people who even wanted him dead! Truly he is something else!
Courtesy from
Deep down we can all in general agree that G-d allowed these evil-people to cruelly destroy millions of Jewish souls. So the question must be put forth to G-d since he is in control of all things.
Roman Persecutions, Courtesy
If you honestly believe the tyrants were evil and should be punished ( and they have been punished ), then why is the leak still persisting then? Why is G-d allowing tragic consequences towards his own people in almost a cyclical pattern if you notice closely?
Hashem has already used the Babylonians to punish the Jewish people and other civilizations to discipline his people. And yes, he also permitted more pain to those civilizations for torturing the apple of his eye, the Jewish people. Most of those cultures have disappeared even.
Considering there is even Talmudic evidence on Christ as Messiah after 30 C.E. Click here for more on that.
A Fair question in a prayer to God would be, "Why God did you allow so much suffering to the Jewish people" ?
A Fair question in a prayer to God would be, "Why God did you allow so much suffering to the Jewish people" ?
I am in no way condoning the millions of deaths of the Jewish people by so-called believers of Christ. No!
Hashem has allowed these sad-deaths for reasons only of his own and I along with you can only speculate,
But, rather then blame a particular religion or race which G-d can easily destroy at his command. Just pray to G-d, read your Bible and you will find a wealth of truth & answers there.
I cannot stress this enough, but subconsciously please make the effort to ignore the Talmudic or Christian doctrines while reading your scriptures, this applies for the B'rit Chadashah as well as the Tanakh
I cannot stress this enough, but subconsciously please make the effort to ignore the Talmudic or Christian doctrines while reading your scriptures, this applies for the B'rit Chadashah as well as the Tanakh
Who is more rejected by the Jewish people as the Messiah then Yeshua of Nazareth? Who else can you think of ?
We should by now know through Isaiah 53, the well-known prophecy that the Messiah will be rejected by his own Jewish people.
Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, a Prominent Orthodox Rabbi says this Courtesy
This Rabbi is a very popular Orthodox Rabbi, but even he can see their is something terribly wrong with the lies about Yeshua's life in the Talmud, which is very well-received among most Jews.
Any Jew who agrees with this line, "It is you Christians who murdered so many of our Jewish people, even if your Christ has some scriptural basis to be the Messiah, how can we believe him?"
Do remember, most of the knowledge of the Bible was never known to the common man, It was always held between the Catholic leaders and other Christian leaders for most part of Europe’s christian history, until the last few century’s or so when a common man can finally access the bible.
Replacement-theology, utterly false!, Courtesy from
Those leaders could say things like “The Church has replaced Spiritual Israel or “The 'Jews killed Christ ' . The crowds believed them because they had no access to study the word of God with an open-mind, and of course these Priests, elders of the church were their so-called spiritual leaders.
Courtesy from
It is the same with most Jews who has never read the “B’rit Chadashah” or the “New covenant” which contains the life of Christ, his apostles and a lot of end-times prophecies. While the Church denounced Jews as corrupt, Rabbi’s and other sects of Judaism find it very offensive to even think of reading the New covenant of Christ.
For a second let us forget Yeshua as Messiah, the Messianic-Jews are a Cult, what the Christians believe in is a False God/Idolatrous etc. Let us say for argument's sake I agree with all this!
Then how in good conscience can a Jew then pick and choose portions of the Torah and discard mandatory sections, like for example celebrating the Biblical-feasts without no sacrifice, even though G-d commands it is vital? .
Who gave a human being the authority to alter Hashem's written Torah? Yet that same individual mocks Christians & Jewish followers of Yeshua for believing in Yeshua's sacrifice, prophesied in the Tanach through Isaiah & others
My dear friend, If you haven’t even read the book, how can you say you know the truth contained in the B'rit Chadashah?
I want you to consider a classic story from the New testament. Rabbi Gamaliel once preceded over a trial brought forth. This man was the grandson of Hillel, a very prominent leader in Judaism who is respected even today in Jewish circles and responsible for the development of the Mishnah & Talmud.
The charge was against Yeshua’s disciples Kefa ( Peter ) and John to ask them to stop healing people in Jesus Christ’s name.
Acts 5: 33-39
33 On hearing this, the members of the Sanhedrin were infuriated and wanted to put the emissaries to death.
34 But one of the members of the Sanhedrin rose to his feet, a Parush named Gamli'el, a teacher of the Torah highly respected by all the people. He ordered the men put outside for a little while
35 and then addressed the court: "Men of Isra'el, take care what you do to these people.
36 Some time ago, there was a rebellion under Todah, who claimed to be somebody special; and a number of men, maybe four hundred, rallied behind him. But upon his being put to death, his whole following was broken up and came to nothing.
37 After this, Y'hudah HaG'lili led another uprising, back at the time of the enrollment for the Roman tax; and he got some people to defect to him. But he was killed, and all his followers were scattered.
38 So in the present case, my advice to you is not to interfere with these people, but to leave them alone. For if this idea or this movement has a human origin, it will collapse.
39 But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop them; you might even find yourselves fighting God!" They heeded his advice.
This wise Rabbi asked those two men to leave their presence while they prescribe the justice for the two accused. To paraphrase him, if this movement was of human-origin it would end abruptly as it began. But if it is from God, you are fighting with God and nothing good ever comes from fighting with him.
Click above to watch an amazing explanation of the Gospel, or Click here :
We followers of Yeshua urgently ask you to research the scriptures for your own life's sake, because we are concerned for your future and the truth to be heard. If you are Jewish there is No doubt scripturally, you are the chosen people regardless of what religious leaders may say.
However, there is a future after you eventually leave this life, as we all must. I urge you to find out about Yeshua through your own research and prayer with G-d. Let God into your life through intensive prayers like the late Revered Rabbi Yitzak Kaduri did.
Kaduri revealing the name of Messiah, guess what Yeshua! Courtesy from
Jews and Gentiles who follow something about Judaism will definitely know who is Rabbi Kaduri. This man is like the equivalent to the World Heavy-weight champion of Rabbi's through his knowledge of Jewish tradition and love for G-d. He is still well-respected and admired by the Jewish community. Had around 200,000 Jewish souls crowd to his funeral in Jerusalem when he died at age 108! Talk about the impact this man had.
Few however know that he prophesied he met the Messiah. This was covered by Major Israeli networks. He even said that he will reveal the name in a letter, which would be revealed to the world after a year's time when he died. Well, guess what happened after a year...
The envelope was opened and the letter was posted on their website for a few hours, suddenly it was mysteriously removed! The name was revealed in letter abbreviation in Hebrew as Yeshua.
Here is the abbreviation in Hebrew. "He will lift the people and prove that his word and law are valid.
Click here to know more on this story :
Kaduri also prophesied the Messiah would appear after Ariel Sharon's death. However, the Orthodox Jewish community was so shocked about this revelation; which led to eventual denial of this letter and it's contents. Calling it a "forgery" etc, even ridiculously going so far as to say he never spoke about the "Mashiach" .
Thankfully because of G-d's grace, the truth is allowed to stand, a lot of Rabbi Kaduri's former students from his Yeshiva came forward and testified bravely in the face of tremendous opposition that Rabbi Kaduri did speak about Yeshua as Messiah ! Wow.
An Israeli student of Kaduri, explaining their belief in Yeshua as Messiah
Another of Rabbi Kaduri's students confessing as well below!
Check out this film, which is based on this book, "The Rabbi who found the Messiah".
Click here to watch the film
Click here to watch the film
I suggest everyone to read this book. It will open your hearts to a lot of revelations, written in an investigative style approach.
Buy this book at Amazon, Click here
Click above to watch the Video on Kaduri's last revelation of the Messiah.
Let God reveal the truth from the scriptures. It is my heartfelt desire that you claim the spiritual, physical & overall blessings that rightfully belongs to you from Yeshua.
Do remember as you read, this is just a tiny portion of the evidence pointing towards Yeshua's messiahship, there is still more 'you' can find on your own with G-d's guidance. I will leave you now with the most famous prayer Yeshua taught us to pray.
Courtesy from
Also, please swing by these webpages, ,, & for more information.
Do support wonderful souls such as Mr Tom Bradford, Michael Brown, Eitan Bar & Moti Vaknin, Zev Porat's ministries and more who are sacrificing so
much of their time & lives to help people come to the truth.
Praying to God, Courtesy
On my next blog post, We will be exploring Archaeological finds in the scriptures through a man who believes in Yeshua, which even Atheists and people who have never read the bible find interesting.
Stay tuned folks, till the next time Hashem induces me to intrigue you guys haha. G-d bless you all, Pray to him for the truth, and may his blessings & protection always fall upon your life. Amen.
Just checking out your site and finding it AMAZING! So much pertinent information. Loved reading about Itzhak Kaduri...Thanks!