Friday 22 July 2016

Evidence of Jesus Christ/ Yeshua HaMaschiach as the Messiah through Scriptures in the Tanach & Talmud, ( Continued Pt. 2 )

Continued from the previous post....

               Wonderfully explained! Click above to watch the video of this man's testimony or

As this Jewish man in the video above says, accepting Jesus Christ as the Messiah was the most Jewish thing he did. 
   I want to say this with love to my Jewish friends, by accepting Jesus Christ as your Jewish Messiah. You do not have to give up on your Judaism or the Biblical feasts. Whoever told you that you are killing your Jewish soul or anything else similarly dramatic, is perhaps very ignorant of the life & works of Jesus Christ & his disciples, or just extremely biased in their bigoted or prejudiced hatred against Yeshua.

               By accepting Yeshua, You instead Turn to Yeshua/Jesus as Hashem's chosen instrument to save you & more. You do not have to convert and follow Gentile customs. A Jew can be more true to Historic Judaism & become a Complete spiritual as well as Physical Jew, all by believing in the New covenants which was always. I repeat always promised to Israel first, later the Goyim/Gentiles.

                                     Courtesy from

From Isaiah 53 ( Yeshiyahu 53 ) Vs 5 onwards

But he was wounded because of our crimes, crushed because of our sins; the disciplining that makes us whole fell on him, and by his bruises we are healed. 
6 We all, like sheep, went astray; we turned, each one, to his own way; yet ADONAI laid on him the guilt of all of us. Or: and in fellowship with him 
Though mistreated, he was submissive - he did not open his mouth. Like a lamb led to be slaughtered, like a sheep silent before its shearers, he did not open his mouth. 
After forcible arrest and sentencing, he was taken away; and none of his generation protested his being cut off from the land of the living for the crimes of my people, who deserved the punishment themselves. 
He was given a grave among the wicked; in his death he was with a rich man. Although he had done no violence and had said nothing deceptive, 
10 Yet it pleased ADONAI to crush him with illness, to see if he would present himself as a guilt offering. If he does, he will see his offspring; and he will prolong his days; and at his hand ADONAI's desire will be accomplished.

       This excerpt above is a prophecy of Isaiah briefly entailing what Jesus Christ had to go through as the Mashiach for you, me and everyone! You can also take a look at Isaiah 50 and even Tehilim ( Psalms ) Chapter 22, 34 and 69 & 110. Also at Micah 5:2.

        These are just a few of the many  passages in the Tanach which describes the Messiah's attributes, that Jesus Christ fulfilled!

             Rabbi’s engaging in debates Courtesy from

Rabbi David Kimchi 
aka. Rabbi Radak says that Isaiah 53 is about Israel. And he advises Judaism not to read this chapter because it seems to resemble Jesus Christ, and therefore to not read it in the schools or teach it in the Haftorah.

Rashi also says Isaiah 53 is about Israel saying Israel will suffer, etc.

However , Rabbi Ben Eliezer, who lived 650 years before Christ. He was instrumental in the writings of the Original Jewish talmud, He says Isaiah 53 is the Messiah of Israel and it is a man who bears all the sins of Israel. The Rabbi’s who disagree with his views have conveniently eliminated his passages from the Talmud, citing he is a sick man!

                    Check out Zev Porat's amazing life turnaround  and his ministry at                                                            :

          Infact, Israeli Messianic jew Zev Porat says he found it really hard to even acquire a copy of Ben Eliezer’s passages at Tel Aviv, because of the fact that Judaism opposes a lot of this particular Ancient Rabbi’s views. Zev still managed to get a copy and find out the truth.

    A logical question for any person right now is why do the Great sages in Judaism differ so drastically in their views on this one particular Chapter ( Isaiah 53 ) , so much so that it is even skipped after Isaiah 52 and not even read at the haftarah readings in most Synagogues...

Snippet from showcasing Isaiah 53 as the nation of Israel as a modern concept in Judaism.

 "Several passages in the Talmud also interpret the servant in this passage from Isaiah as the Messiah. The Jerusalem Talmud ( Shekalim 5:1 )  sees Rabbi Akiva as the servant in 53:12 while the Babylonian Talmud applies 53:4 to the Messiah ( Sanhedrin 98b ), 53:10 to the righteous in general ( Berakhot 5a ), and 53:12 to Moses ( Sotah 14a ).
According to the Midrash Rabbah, Isaiah 53:5 concerns the Messiah ( Ruth Rabbah2:14a ) and Isaiah 53:12 refers to Israel in exile ( Numbers Rabbah 13:2 ). It must be noted here that this is only one verse in the whole prophecy that is attributed to the nation of Israel, and that was at a very specific time in its existence.

The first time Isaiah 53 is interpreted as referring to the nation of Israel is in the 11th Century with the commentary of Rashi, who interpreted this passage as the righteous remnant of Jacob.

All of this goes to show that the ancient rabbis ( the most authoritative sources in Judaism )  almost unanimously interpreted Isaiah 53 as a Messianic prophecy rather than as a prophecy referring to the nation. "

         The Rabbi who lived before Yeshua's time says it is about the Messiah of Israel , while the Rabbi's after Yeshua's death firmly view this passage as about the nation of Israel!

Can you tell me why such distinctions are made between Rabbi's over that Chapter? or maybe we can pray to God to help us figure it out. :)

 Suzie, an Israeli Jewish girl who came to believe Yeshua (Jesus) is the Messiah! Click the above video, or click here: to see her testimony.

The ‘Book’ she is referring to in the pictures & video above is the ‘New Testament’, and "They" she mentioned was are the Rabbi’s  who dismissed Yeshua’s messiahship.

According to the Talmud researched from Dr. Brown, the Messiah was supposed to come exactly at the time Jesus Christ came!

But after the time passed, and because of the fact that Jesus Christ did not fit the description of the Messiah they wanted & desired. That is to depose of the Roman rule immediately and establish God’s ruling on earth . Prominent Rabbi's instead rejected him and have written some horrendous things about Jesus Christ in the Talmud. At the same time, they ignored facts in the Tanakh he had to fulfill such as the Suffering servant aspect of Messiah Ben Joseph which Jesus did accomplish, when he first came.

According to Malachi the 3rd chapter, the messenger of Adonai was to come and prepare the way of the Lord at the Second temple. 
That messenger of the covenant for the Second temple is the Messiah according to Rabbi David Kimchi. 

                                                      Carnage at the Jerusalem temple in 70 A.D, Courtesy from 

                      Daniel with the lions, Courtesy from

According to Prophet Daniel the 9th chapter. Before the Second temple was destroyed atonement for sin had to be made and righteousness brought in. The messiah had to be cut off , all this had to happen before the Second temple was destroyed. 

To anyone who knows the story of Jesus Christ's life, Doesn't this prophecy of Daniel exactly summarize Jesus Christ's life?
More Talmudic evidence for the Messiah at 30 C.E. contained in the Babylonian talmud :

“During the last forty years before the destruction of the Temple the lot ['For the Lord'] did not come up in the right hand; nor did the crimson-colored strap become white; nor did the western most light shine; and the doors of the Hekel [Temple] would open by themselves" -  (Soncino version, Yoma 39b).

In the Jerusalem Talmud it says this ,

Forty years before the destruction of the Temple, the western light went out, the crimson thread remained crimson, and the lot for Adonai always came up in the left hand. They would close the gates of the Temple by night and get up in the morning and find them wide open"
  -(Jacob Neusner, The Yerushalmi, p.156-157). [the Temple was destroyed in 70 CE]”

To explain these two passages, I have taken excerpts from this site, for more information go to

The Miracle of the "Lot "

The first of these miracles concerns a random choosing of the "lot" which was cast on the Day of Atonement ( Yom Kippur ). The lot chosen determined which of two goats would be "for the Lord" and which goat would be the "Azazel" or "scapegoat." 

During the two hundred years before 30 CE, when the High Priest picked one of two stones, again this selection was governed by chance, and each year the priest would select a black stone as often as a white stone.
                But for forty years in a row, beginning in 30 CE, the High Priest always picked the black stone ! 

The odds against this happening are astronomical ( 2 to the 40th power ). In other words, the chances of this occurring are 1 in approximately 5,479,548,800 or about 5.5 billion to one! 

          By comparison, your chances of winning your local state or municipal-run cash Lottery would be much more favorable!

The lot for Azazel , the black stone, contrary to all the laws of chance, came up 40 times in a row from 30 to 70 AD! ( Ever since Yeshua was crucified ) 

   This was considered a dire event and signified something had fundamentally changed in this Yom Kippur ritual. This casting of lots is also accompanied by yet another miracle which is described next.

                     Scapegoat ritual, Courtesy from

The Miracle of the Red Strip

The Second miracle concerns the
crimson strip  or cloth tied to the Azazel goat. A portion of this red cloth was also removed from the goat and tied to the Temple door. Each year the red cloth on the Temple door turned 'white' as if to signify the atonement of another Yom Kippur was acceptable to Adonai. 

         This annual event happened until 30 CE when the cloth then remained crimson each year till the time of the Temple's destruction! Wow talk about the supernatural being involved. 

          This undoubtedly caused much stir and consternation among the Jews. This traditional practice is linked to Israel confessing its sins and ceremonially placing this nation's sin upon the Azazel goat. The sin was then removed by this goat's death. Sin was represented by the red color of the cloth ( the color of blood ). But the cloth remained crimson that is, Israel's sins were not being pardoned and "made white." ! 

As God told Israel through Isaiah the prophet: ''Come, let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet [crimson],  they shall be white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as [white] wool'' (Isaiah 1:18).

Read more about these excerpts from ‘Talmudic evidence of the Messiah at 30 C.E”. at

                                      The Miracle of the Temple Doors

The next miracle, which the Jewish authorities acknowledged, was the Temple doors swinging open every night of their own accord! This too occurred for forty years, beginning in 30 CE . 

             The leading Jewish authority of that time, Yochanan ben Zakkai , declared that this was a sign of impending doom! that the Temple itself would be destroyed.

The Jerusalem Talmud states:

"Said Rabban Yohanan Ben Zakkai to the Temple, 'O Temple, why do you frighten us? We know that you will end up destroyed. For it has been said, 'Open your doors, O Lebanon, that the fire may devour your cedars' " (Zechariah 11:1)' (Sota 6:3).

                        Temple Menorah, Courtesy from

Notice ever since 30 C.E. , immediately after Christ’s death. You will read peculiar strange occurrences at the Holy-Temple in Jerusalem. No matter how much the Priests tried to keep the Menorah lit, the Menorah went out and was not able to shine as well!
Curious all these activities is recorded by authentic Jewish sources, occurring exactly after Christ's death for 40 years, until the temple was eventually destroyed at 70 A.D. therefore it can never ever be stated as a Christian invention.

           Anyone who knows something about Yom Kippur will agree with me that it is the most Holiest day of the Jewish year. However, the importance of a blood-sacrifice cannot be overstated enough. If you read Leviticus Chapter 17 ( Vayikra in Hebrew )

Leviticus 17: 11 "For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it for you on the altar to atone for your souls, for it is the blood that makes atonement by the life"

        A Believer in Yeshua will always believe in his blood-sacrifice for atonement. That is why the crimson-strip tied to the temple-door after Yeshua's death always remained Red till the temple was destroyed, because Yeshua's blood is the remedy now! 

      Could it be the Rabbi's in all their loathing against 'Jews who believe in Yeshua' just skip the parts in the Talmud like the Supernatural incidents in the Second-temple I posted above? These strange occurrences offer proof why Yeshua's sacrifice on the cross had replaced Temple-sacrifice.
          Disagreeing with me won't change the fact these events happened
exactly after Yeshua died and rose again!
        There are many hints indicated in the Talmud regarding the Messiah's attributes which fit exactly Yeshua's description. Please, go to to research further.
                Jerusalem Talmud, courtesy

                          Prophet Haggai , Courtesy

         Haggai the prophet says, "The Glory ( Kavod ) of the Second temple will be greater then the first". 
        What does that mean?  since we all know the second temple was brutally destroyed by the Romans. The Second temple did not even contain the all important Ark of the Covenant for atonement ritual purposes

                                 Courtesy from

Check out this interesting article from the image below at . Click here : Why don't many Jewish people accept Jesus as Messiah ?

  The answer is, we followers of Yeshua believe that we are the Menorah of the world through belief in Yeshua’s sacrifice that atones us of our sins, which creates in us a new spirit. The Temple now resides in us since the Holy Spirit resides in us.
          Make no mistake, We do believe in the 3rd temple being built in Yerushalayim as well, and with it the immediate coming of King Yeshua to reign over all creation.

Continued in the next page, Click here to continue...

Evidence of Jesus Christ/ Yeshua HaMaschiach as the Messiah through Scriptures in the Tanach & Talmud, ( The Second Post )

Thank you for coming over to this page.  I pray whoever you are, that whatever you read here will benefit your Spiritual growth with the One who created you and your overall-growth in all aspects of your life ! 
            It is my earnest hope that you who are reading this blog, take the time to pray to God himself for guidance, to go through the internet, libraries and more. Question as much as you can, till you are absolutely 100% certain of the truth, leaving no room for doubt in your life anymore.

                                      The Daily miracles of Yeshua, Click here

                                 Courtesy from

I may offend your senses & I apologize right away if I do. But I care about your future life and I know G-d cares about you more then anyone else about your well-being.

              Remember, God is not insecure as a Priest, Pastor, Rabbi’s or any other religious leader on their version of the truth. He does not have anything to hide. Truly, all you need is God himself to guide you to the truth. Ask him about the mysteries he has revealed to the humble at heart. Be humble , pray and let him reveal the truth through his Scriptures.

     Why do I want you guys to read this & what do I hope to achieve? To open your mind to a new line of thought you probably have never pondered about , to trigger you to brutally examine evidence, research on your own about this controversial-being that has changed the world in everyway you can possibly imagine.  

                  Courtesy from

I would have to admit first-hand, I have a biased love towards the Jewish people and Israel regardless of Jews who disrespect my beliefs in Yeshua, or possible persecutions in the future.
          Growing up in a Protestant home, I was raised with an abundance of Biblical stories of Israel’s Great prophets & Yeshua. I was always fascinated by G-d’s divine love and mercy for Israel through the Patriachs.

The privilege I have had to encounter many Israeli’s with so much kindness and love for G-d’s creations.  It just saddened me more to think that just because of the beliefs of a few in power, the rest are being deceived . Which is why it further drives me to get all these thoughts of mine out of my head with only love, hope, blessings for you who are reading this.

                    Courtesy from

     I will not be able to cover all the popular objections about Yeshua in these small posts, but I will Link you to websites which can answer most, if not all your questions regarding Yeshua’s rightful place in history as the Messiah of Israel and the world. Most of this content is verifiable in the Tanach & Talmud. And I have continued this research throughout 3 more posts. So let's begin now,

According to Modern Orthodox Israeli Scholar Dr. Pinchas Lapide,

Jesus was utterly true to the Torah, as I myself hope to be. I even suspect that Jesus was even more true to the Torah than I, an Orthodox Jew.”  I believe that the Christ even leads to a way of salvation which God opened up in order to bring the Gentile world into the community of God’s Israel.

                                     Rabbi Leo Baeck, Courtesy from

abbi Leo Baeck : A Great defender of Judaism in the years of the holocaust in Germany,

Jesus is a genuine Jewish personality, all his struggles and worlds, his bearing and feeling, his speech and silence, bear the stamp of a Jewish style, the mark of Jewish idealism, of the best that was and is in Judaism. He was a Jew among Jews…

According to Martin Buber a Respected former professor from Hebrew University, Jerusalem.

We must overcome the superstitious fear which we harbour about the Messianic movement of Jesus/Yeshua, and we must place the movement where it belongs, namely, in the spiritual history of Judaism…

                                            Courtesy from

Sholem Asch - Yiddish novelist and author :

I couldn’t help writing on Jesus. Since I first met Him, He has held my mind and heart… I floundered a bit at first; I was seeking that something for which so many of us search - that surety, that faith, that spiritual content in my living which would bring me peace and through which I might help bring some peace to others. I found it in the Nazarene…Everything He ever said or did has value for us today, and that is something you can say of no other man, alive or dead… He became the Light of the world. Why shouldn’t I, a Jew, be proud of it?

          Joseph Klausner, Courtesy from

According to the Great Israeli Scholar of Last Generation Joseph Klausner,

Jesus was a Jew and remained a Jew untill his last breath. His one idea was to plant with his nation the coming of the Messiah. In all this Jesus was the most Jewish of Jews, more Jewish then Hillel! From the standpoint of General humanity, he is indeed a light to the Gentiles "

      All these respectable Jewish men who know so much of the Torah and essential Talmudic traditions have conceded there is something about this man Jesus Christ ( Yeshua HaMaschiach ) that has drawn this world we live in, towards Israel for more than 2000 years, regardless of whether they believe he is the Messiah or not.

                  Courtesy from!Jesus-broke-the-Sabbath-or-did-He/c11q/569ecdb90cf2ca1e5ff79f2a

We are told that Jesus/Yeshua was a transgressor by some Jews in their defense as to why he is not the Messiah, that he did not fulfill all the prophecies contained in the scriptures, that the stories found in the New-testament are just fraudulent-stories, fairy-tales and so on...

           What If I told you with just the Torah, the complete Tanach that Christ can be proven as the Messiah.

                 Yeshua was never against the Written-torah of Moshe, or broke the mitzvot contained in it. Infact he even goes far to say to the people that those who teach the Torah and follow it will be called Great in the Kingdom of heaven, and for those who teach it is not essential will be called least in the kingdom of heaven.

         If you pay careful attention while reading the New testament, his life and his apostles life & go through the commands he supposedly broke according to a lot of Rabbi’s. You will notice he & his apostles were always loyal to Biblical Judaism & even kept the 7 Biblical feasts faithfully, but they did not necessarily give that same appreciation towards Rabbinical Judaism. 

         I would urge you to use the Written torah & the entire Tanach for vindicating Christ’s life as a righteous man, and not the writings in the Talmud.


                    I have nothing personal against most of the traditions found in the Talmud. Most of it is Torah-inspired and truly beautiful philosophy if one takes the time to read it. Words in it can even help you to lead a great successful life, both financially and physically. I would go so far to say I generally love the wisdom contained in most of it.

            However, it is still influenced heavily by men. Therefore even though contained in it are beautiful theories inspired through the Tanach, it is still subject to the flaws & perversions of man. As it is still not 100% verifiable as truly God inspired, like the writings in the Tanach, ( Old-testament for Christians ) which Christianity & Judaism will unanimously agree is G-d inspired.

              Some of the flaws of the Rabbinic tradition for example, the Great Moses Maimonides himself says in his introduction to the commentary on the Mishnah, researched by Dr. Michael Brown in Bava Metzia 59,

Bava Metzia 59, Can a Majority of Rabbis overrule the voice of G-d? Click the above video to watch.

"If a prophet proven by God with miracles says to you to follow the plain sense of the scriptures and that violates the traditions of the Sages ( Rabbi's ) he is a false-prophet, kill him!"

  From the above statement, I hope you can see how clearly the Rabbi's are willing to go against even the scriptures, to prove they are always right.

            Words like these and other distorted lies about Yeshua such as a Roman soldier being his father are 
contained in the Talmud . Very disturbing to read these anecdotes, as they are quoted from otherwise honest & respectable men who usually are sincere in their conduct & devotion towards Hashem.

It is these compositions that make you wonder why is there so much hatred towards Yeshua.

                                                                   Courtesy from 

Exposing myths from Rabbi's such as "Millions with moses, Jesus alone" by, click above to watch. This site does a great job answering questions to Jews, especially Israeli-Jews who want to know how Jesus is the Messiah.
If one does his / her homework and research Jesus Christ’s life, you will realize the distorted lies are persuasive attempts to sway your mind away  from the truth. 

              Rabbi’s capitalize on the ignorance & the General jewish soul’s fear of reading the New testament. Throw in a little bit of the hate behind the gruesome murders from a lot of Ignorant evil Gentile christians in the Holocaust, the Spanish Inquisitions etc. By the way these so-called Christians  who committed those violent acts had limited knowledge of Yeshua’s love towards his Jewish people.

       To top it off empathize with the 'mainstream-guilt' a Jewish individual normally feel, for breaking their elder’s or Grandparent's hearts at the mere mention of Yeshua in a biblical context.

 Well you can see why it is way too easy for Rabbi’s to forge lies on Yeshua to be accepted as absolute truth in the Talmud

Please go to or for Answering Rabbi's objections to Jesus Christ.

Courtesy from

        Add to that, G-d himself can be overruled by the majority of the sages.

"In other words if the Rabbi’s say that this is what the law actually says and G-d from heaven says it’s not true. You can overrule G-d ! "
 It is based on Exodus 23 :2

The Ancient-Hebrew clearly says “Do not follow the majority to pervert justice”. However, the words ‘Don’t follow the Majority' were cut down to “Follow the Majority ” by the Blessed Rabbi’s.

                      According to Chief Rabbi Hertz in his commentary on the Pentateuch. He says the Rabbi’s disregarded the literal meaning of the last 3 words which says don’t follow the majority into follow the majority, even if it means overruling God! Wow, Indeed!

                 For a moment please ponder on the biased hate filled rhetoric spewed against Yeshua in the Talmud, and think about how easily it can divert your mind away from the profound historical facts recorded about him. Taking you faraway from the actual prophecies contained about Yeshua  in the Tanach.

                                          Courtesy from        

           Yeshua was definitely against a lot of Rabbinical traditions which were contradicting the Written torah of Moshe. These 'traditions' somehow trickled it's way to prominence in Jewish Halakhah, and were sometimes burdensome and not necessary at all to keep.

           However, it was important to the Rabbi’s then the actual Word of God. It is a common symptom in Christianity as well, as people inherently look upto their religious leaders then actually trusting God while reading the Bible themselves.


        Problem of tradition. Courtesy from

Click the video above to watch it or on this link to see it  . It is short and humorous with an Important point :)

This man in this Video above represents the Classic-case of why allowing tradition’s as pious as it may look complicate & even get you further away from your faith with G-d !

WATCH this powerful testimony from this Israeli Jewish man. Click above or here to watch :

My Jewish friends who would not read a copy of the B’rit Chadashah ( The New testament for Christians ) out of fear, respect and a million other reasons. 

         My Dear friend, please consider all the prophecies pertaining to Yeshua in the Tanach. Ask God’s guidance to lead you to the truth, pray to him, like all the Great men in the Bible Avraham, Yakov, David and more did.

Then take the challenge of reading the New testament and see for yourself the whole truth...

Continued in the next page, Click here to continue...

“Get away from me you worker's of Lawlessness” ... SAY WHAT JESUS? 😕

Hey ya folks, it’s been years since I decided to post something here ( Check out my previous posts too, you might find them enlightening or ...